The Perfect Match


The highest quality sounds matching your individual needs.

About Me

My journey as an audio engineer began way back when I was just a kid. Equipped with only a keyboard, a couple of drumsticks, and an old computer with a black and white display, I started playing around with one of the first audio applications available on the consumer market. From there I quickly expanded my toolset and developed my skills by experimenting with a diverse range of sounds which subsequently led to me releasing my first tracks on vinyl records.

My passion then led me to one of Germany’s biggest fitness studio chains where I have been working as an audio engineer for the last 10 years. With decades of professional experience under my belt, I feel that now is the time to offer my expertise to a broader audience and bring my sounds to the rest of the world.

The accumulated experience and aquired skillset allow me to create truly unique, custom-tailored sounds giving my clients that fine edge over the competition.


Sound Design

Think of the last time you played a video game or watched an action movie where the fate of your hero was on the line. Can you recall how tense you felt in those moments? Sitting and watching with bated breath, sweaty palms and clenched teeth? It’s not just what you see, it’s what you hear that triggers this response, with the sound design playing an essential role in creating the perfect atmosphere. This is what we do. But that’s also just one aspect of our portfolio. We’ll also produce your jingles, support your voice-over productions, help you with your audio books and video recordings, create entire soundscapes, or even just handle the post-production of your audio recordings.

Sound Branding

If your brand was a sound, try to imagine what that sound would be like. What emotions would awaken in you?. What emotions would you want it to awaken in others? Show us your brand – its personality, its essence, and everything else that distinguishes it from all the others and we will go to work on creating a sound worthy of all of those attributes. At the end of the process you’ll be holding a unique product in your hands: a jingle, a song, a mix, an intro exclusive to you.


With the right music your company’s presence can truly be raised to next level. Anything from a short jingle or theme music on You Tube to cinematic sounds or your company’s signature anthem: the possibilities are near limitless.With a perfectionist attitude, we will take on the challenge and aspire to find the ultimate sound tailored to your genre and needs, thus giving you that fine edge in highly competative fields. What we deliver is an all-in-one solution: from the initial mix all the way to the final master recording. This is your one-stop-music-shop.



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The highest quality sounds matching your individual needs.

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